Warning : Adult Content / Film Khusus Dewasa (21+)

Download Nonton Film Hana-Dama: Phantom (2016) Sub Indo bioskop lk21

Nonton Film Hana-Dama: Phantom (2016) Sub Indo bioskop lk21

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“Hana-Dama”—a flower in the wasteland. This flower is a symbol of earthly desires and every human is overwhelmed by desire and their rationality collapses wherever the flower is in bloom. And even today, the “Hana-Dama” continues to blossom profusely somewhere in the world. The story is set in a film theater, the facility keeps on closing one after another during recent years. The last day has come to a film theater which has been maintained by a film-loving owner, the staff, and their unique audiences. The symbol of human desire, “Hana-Dama,” blossoms at the theater and instigates people’s erratic behavior. Upon facing its closure, tremendous chaos that will be noted in the history of Japanese film takes place within this film theater.

“Hana-Dama”—bunga di gurun. Bunga ini adalah simbol keinginan duniawi dan setiap manusia diliputi oleh keinginan dan rasionalitas mereka runtuh di mana pun bunga itu mekar. Dan bahkan hari ini, “Hana-Dama” terus berkembang pesat di suatu tempat di dunia. Cerita diatur di bioskop, fasilitas terus menutup satu demi satu selama beberapa tahun terakhir. Hari terakhir telah tiba di bioskop yang telah dikelola oleh pemilik pecinta film, staf, dan penonton unik mereka. Simbol keinginan manusia, “Hana-Dama,” mekar di teater dan memicu perilaku tidak menentu orang. Saat menghadapi penutupannya, kekacauan luar biasa yang akan dicatat dalam sejarah perfilman Jepang terjadi di dalam gedung bioskop ini.

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Genre: Drama, Thriller
Durasi: 83 Min